Monday, January 31, 2011

First Month at WCU!

January's almost over which means it's going to be a month since I'm living in the ever promising Uniter States of America. So why not start my blog with a recap of these first four weeks at Western Carolina University.

1st Week - Orientation. I can't imagine what this whole experience would be without the orientation week, so kindly put together by the international office faculty and volunteers. It gave me the opportunity to meet the majority of people I've been hanging out with so far, and to get comfortable around campus. Some american students volunteer to help the newcomers get around and adapt (party like there's no tomorrow), which is pretty cool. On that note I want to thank my good friends Colton Foley, Monica and Caroline.

2nd Week - School got cancelled because of the snow which meant another week of partying! Plus everybody came outside and played. Never thought I would see people snowboarding on campus. I did some sledding myself but had some pain in my back, so I couldn't go all out. It still was pretty fun though.

3rd Week - First week of classes. This week passed really fast. Getting my schedule organized, getting to know the teachers, fellow colleagues, having my first assignments... I got really amazed with the equipment available to work with and with the teacher's predisposition to work along side with the students. I'm confident about this semester, and the educational system here left a positive mark on me.
On Friday I did my first trip with Base Camp Cullowhee. Snowboarding turned out to be much harder than what they make it look on TV! I lost count on the times I fell on my butt. But it was still fun, I got to make new friends and travel outside the campus area for a change.

4rd Week - Life's tough. The fourth week was a bit difficult to endure. Being far from home finally came down on me. (...)

But hopes are high for the upcoming weeks and as I'll continually get to know more about this beautiful country and it's people, new and exciting stories will build this into a rich inter-cultural blog.

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